Here is a comment I posted in relation to this article :
Being portrayed as a backwards symbol actually makes it a bad luck
symbol. The Nazi's were idiots. The 'Iron Man' is actually a symbol
depicting the illusory benefits of masturbation. The man is holding the
head of his penis with his left hand - signifying the downfall of
civilisation due to the conceited efforts of a group of deluded
pentacle believers that they were the masters of the universe. It is a
symbol of man's conceit for his kind due to excessive stimulation of his
sexual organ resulting in delusions of paranoia and domination. An
insignia that in its true form represents the movement of the vault of
the heavens was mis-interpreted. By reversing the rotation of the hands
it becomes an omen of bad luck and it exerts an evil influence and is
called a Sauvastika.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Home Style
Here is a comment I tried to post about an article by Styleist Home called:
House Tour: Inside This 150 Square Foot House By Molecule Tiny Homes (PHOTOS)
at :
Maybe I should subscribe to "Modeller's Monthly" and be done with my aspirations as a homemaker or architect.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Here is a comment I posted in relation to an article :
If I had a "pair" of ears I could say that I'd heard your argument 4 times over. But I have a pair of ear. For the same reason that I wear a pair of trousers, I am to assume that a one-legged pair of pants is to be called a pant - which is something that I,as a male, would do if you told me that you were now going to remove your panties. Removing your pants is akin to removing your outer layer with your panties as the inner. But, if I said that I was now going to remove my pant, you may think I were an amputee. However, if I were to walk into the trees, I would be far busier than if I were to walk into the tree. By your logic, I would wear a "trouse" instead of a pair of "trousers" but I would then wear a pair of "trousers". Therefore my pant should be called a pair of "trouse's", that is the derivative of the plural. It would seem that the word, in it's spelling, is a connotation of the 'way' it is said rather than the 'way' it is spelled. (or should it be spealt?). Such is they beauty of the English language.
If I had a "pair" of ears I could say that I'd heard your argument 4 times over. But I have a pair of ear. For the same reason that I wear a pair of trousers, I am to assume that a one-legged pair of pants is to be called a pant - which is something that I,as a male, would do if you told me that you were now going to remove your panties. Removing your pants is akin to removing your outer layer with your panties as the inner. But, if I said that I was now going to remove my pant, you may think I were an amputee. However, if I were to walk into the trees, I would be far busier than if I were to walk into the tree. By your logic, I would wear a "trouse" instead of a pair of "trousers" but I would then wear a pair of "trousers". Therefore my pant should be called a pair of "trouse's", that is the derivative of the plural. It would seem that the word, in it's spelling, is a connotation of the 'way' it is said rather than the 'way' it is spelled. (or should it be spealt?). Such is they beauty of the English language.
Monday, June 18, 2012
A Small Man Adrift in a Big Boat.
I have returned home again
to a universe unlike yours.
There is nothing in place
in this nothing of space.
Someone has been as a goblin unseen
to a piece of this parcel of dreams.
I find things disturbed
not where they should have been.
And all the little I can do
is prepare a scheme.
My altar is now arranged
some order in this place so deranged.
So little do I know
of the ways of the world.
That I bow in reverence
in respect of how little I know.
I am a giant in this land of ants
I am a dragon in this dream of cants.
to a universe unlike yours.
There is nothing in place
in this nothing of space.
Someone has been as a goblin unseen
to a piece of this parcel of dreams.
I find things disturbed
not where they should have been.
And all the little I can do
is prepare a scheme.
My altar is now arranged
some order in this place so deranged.
So little do I know
of the ways of the world.
That I bow in reverence
in respect of how little I know.
I am a giant in this land of ants
I am a dragon in this dream of cants.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Ode of the Baby Dragon
When you sleep under a rainbow and you rememember everything you were told as a child
that everything begins at the ends of the bow and at either there you will find a pot of gold
while you grow to a be adult as you learn from your faults that every all is not true as you thought you were told.
Do you rember dancing in the rain feeling the bounce of drops on your skin ?
and remember dancing with your pain as it oozes from within
and yet you feel like as though you were still only ten and that you would like to be - just you.
Do you retch from the odour of sweetness as it steams from your misplaced whims
whilst knowing that your baggage won't get past the customs as is wont to be when you wish to become accustomed to your sins.
but you remember the concrete and honey that you wished would give birth to a dream.
There are nightmares on the sidewalks and turds on the ground,
so you must step caustiously in your haste to move around the carnage you have found,
but the damage inflicted on the soles of your travelling shoes is the baggage on your back that is a load you can bearly bear.
Yet you take a trip to somewhere you don't know, on a ticket you could not refuse to buy,
in the wish that sometime you will somehow stumble upon the passage that will get you by.
that everything begins at the ends of the bow and at either there you will find a pot of gold
while you grow to a be adult as you learn from your faults that every all is not true as you thought you were told.
Do you rember dancing in the rain feeling the bounce of drops on your skin ?
and remember dancing with your pain as it oozes from within
and yet you feel like as though you were still only ten and that you would like to be - just you.
Do you retch from the odour of sweetness as it steams from your misplaced whims
whilst knowing that your baggage won't get past the customs as is wont to be when you wish to become accustomed to your sins.
but you remember the concrete and honey that you wished would give birth to a dream.
There are nightmares on the sidewalks and turds on the ground,
so you must step caustiously in your haste to move around the carnage you have found,
but the damage inflicted on the soles of your travelling shoes is the baggage on your back that is a load you can bearly bear.
Yet you take a trip to somewhere you don't know, on a ticket you could not refuse to buy,
in the wish that sometime you will somehow stumble upon the passage that will get you by.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Joining a Club.
At the moment I am thinking of joining a club. Bicycles are not on my list because I don't want gay motorists perving at my skinny lycra clad pedalling arse. Snooker clubs are out because I don't want drunken gay persons perving at my arse leaning over a table - that is a thing only girls do best. Tennis clubs are out because I don't want to waste any more energy that I don't really have running around hitting a ball over a fence - unless my opponent was a bouncing well endowed female with a short dress. Card clubs are out because I get warm scratchy balls sitting under tension around a table.
I could waste a lot of time expressing my my disdain for clubs because most of them seem to involve tight pants and balls. But I have no wish to play pocket billiards with your head anymore.
The only club I really want to be in, is a Bikie Club. These guys do have balls and like to wear tight pants.
It is not the average law abiding citizen who wants a motor and two wheels between his legs, is prepared to carry a baseball bat, chain or gun as a weapon, dispises authority and feels sorry for the average law abiding pissants who occupy the majority of space on this planet and in the media.
It is the 'above' average citizen who is prepared to take the law into his own hands.
I recently posted this to my Facebook page :
I could waste a lot of time expressing my my disdain for clubs because most of them seem to involve tight pants and balls. But I have no wish to play pocket billiards with your head anymore.
The only club I really want to be in, is a Bikie Club. These guys do have balls and like to wear tight pants.
It is not the average law abiding citizen who wants a motor and two wheels between his legs, is prepared to carry a baseball bat, chain or gun as a weapon, dispises authority and feels sorry for the average law abiding pissants who occupy the majority of space on this planet and in the media.
It is the 'above' average citizen who is prepared to take the law into his own hands.
I recently posted this to my Facebook page :
my take on the so called "Bikie Wars". The war is now in Queensland. It
began in South Oz and moved to Western Oz and then Sydney. It won't
happen in Victoria, yet, because there is a reluctancy to pass laws
outlawing Bikie Gangs. What is not obvious to the reporting/tabloid
media is this : Bikie Groups (that's a much nicer name) are currently
housecleaning. There are a lot of weeds that need
to be removed from the garden to allow the flowers to grow. The State
Governments are trying to establish walls around the garden beds by
introducing a form of legal insecticide - but the Bikies have a much
more effective method of pest control. We are witnessing a cultural
cleansing operation performed by the Bikies to keep their house clean,
before Big Brother attempts to close the doors on their garden. *So far,
my vote is - Bikies 1, Govt. 0.
We should have already learnt our History Lesson : "It wasn't Abraham Lincoln who made all men equal, it was Samuel Colt !"
(please follow the link below to read more about gardening).
http:// nation/ bob-atkinson-labels-bikie-war-w orst-in-queensland-history/ story-e6frg6nf-1226341618934?ut m_source=feedburner&utm_medium =feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+The AustralianTheNationNews+%28The +Australian+|+The+Nation%29&utm_content=Go ogle+Feedfetcher
We should have already learnt our History Lesson : "It wasn't Abraham Lincoln who made all men equal, it was Samuel Colt !"
(please follow the link below to read more about gardening).
DOUBLE shooting in a busy Gold Coast shopping centre is evidence of
the worst bikie war in history according to the state's police
Friday, April 27, 2012
Magnanomous Murdoch ?
2 seconds ago ( 5:31 AM)
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.Oh, poor baby Murdoch. So quick to critisize, so slow to comprehend. His empire is done and finished. He may have ignored his babies for 30 years - but he certainly held out his hand to pocket the profits. Oh, I am so sorry that he had to spend so many millions investigating the allegations. Watching the Leveson Inquiry last hight was akin to watching a large fish being shot in a small barrel. At every opportunity he said too much and continually displayed the arrogance of a man who thinks he knows better. It was fun watching a man dig his own grave. If he took off those glasses he would look just like any other bald dick in the street. But he's a clever fuck - notice how his blue tie matched the colour of the caption banners! I actually feel sorry for Lisbeth Murdoch letting this publishing peadophile loose in her panties.What is happening before our eyes is the public humiliation of a pubic errant intent on lining his tomb with the slime of pubescent delusions of grandeur.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Please Don't Judas Me
Some people have friends and some have enemies. Some have other people who like them and some of them have followers.
Jesus had followers, twelve of them as picked by him. Thirteen of them if you count the other Judas.
Judas Iscariot was the one who betrayed Jesus by kissing him in the garden and thus identifying him to the waiting Roman soldiers. John, in his Gospel, was conspiculously disjointed in his narrative - there are only eight disciples/apostles named, of which two were known as Judas.
The money Judas received for betraying his master was only 30 pieces of silver, apparently enough to buy a slave. But, this was insufficient satisfaction - he suicided after returning the money to the Jewish priests.
Once Jesus was crucified and ressurected the disciples were a little peeved that they were one down and elected a replacement, Matthais. Eventually, all of the the disciples met unpleasant deaths; except John, who apparently died of old age.
It's possible that Judas did not take enough time to consider the risk involved in this business transaction and may have changed the course of history by necking himself. Had he taken time out to consider the risk of his gamble, he probably would have figured that a slave did not necessarily have to be someone whole fetched and washed and fed and cleaned and peeled grapes. His slave could have been a harlot who sucked and fucked and peeled his own grape.
In fact Judas was already in on the scam. In the famed fresco of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci there are twelve people joining him in the meal. Judas has just spilt the salt and the dude to his right has reached behind him to make a pass at the only woman at the table. He's just about to poke his hand down her upper corsalage and feel the heaving breasts of the hooker hired for the occassion.
Unfortunately the following scene has been lost in the mists of antiquity - but I'll bet 30 pieces of silver that it involved table dancing and a very risque pole manouvere that is most certainly not listed in any of the books of the bible.
But whilst considering the fact that the pyramids were most certainly built by a team of twelve and a forklift on their roster day off at triple pay in only 40 days and nights, I have no doubt that Judas was onto something.
Let's face it, he had an alibi - another Judas and....all the other partners.
The Gospel of Mark says that Jesus sent out these twelve apostles in pairs - so, if he was so enamoured with partnerships; why didn't he invite all the partners to join him in this last dinner as well ? I suspect that maybe he was a little pissed off with their choice of partners. He would be one cool dude if he were to throw one last supper/party to let his mates partake of some supreme pussy.
And....what better opportunity would he have to invite his most generously circumcised brethen to his supreme pussy fest. Have a close look at that picture again, and picture the 'facebook' tag of the millenium.
"Hi dudes. Welcome to the el-supremo pig out death feast of the year.On my left, and, on my right, we have my closest bunch of arseholes I know that suck up to me as followers. They are nameless - until someone writes the fucking bible - but they are cool. Fellow fishermen, I welcome you to the my feast. This will be my last. And because I love you all, we are all going out with a bang. There is this hot bitch to my right who I just know will open every orifice she has to you to desposit your years of stored up sperm in the hope that just one of you will betray me."
These are indeed prophetic words for a man who will soon be wrapped in a nappy and pinned to a crucifix.
Let this be a warning to you sinners.
"You may be short in stature or fat in nature.
You may be generous in life but suscpicious in death.
You may be circumcised at birth or be the whole dog.
You may lap at the spring of hope or suck on the piss of regret.
You may, if you are lucky, taste the nectar of life.
But the chances are, that you will die".
Judas had this figured. Damn right. Money for nothing and a slave in the hold.
( There is a song - "Please Don't Judas Me" on Nazareth's album "Hair of The Dog" - last track, side 2 )
Listen to that and then try and convince me that your facebook friends really care about you.
Jesus had followers, twelve of them as picked by him. Thirteen of them if you count the other Judas.
Judas Iscariot was the one who betrayed Jesus by kissing him in the garden and thus identifying him to the waiting Roman soldiers. John, in his Gospel, was conspiculously disjointed in his narrative - there are only eight disciples/apostles named, of which two were known as Judas.
The money Judas received for betraying his master was only 30 pieces of silver, apparently enough to buy a slave. But, this was insufficient satisfaction - he suicided after returning the money to the Jewish priests.
Once Jesus was crucified and ressurected the disciples were a little peeved that they were one down and elected a replacement, Matthais. Eventually, all of the the disciples met unpleasant deaths; except John, who apparently died of old age.
It's possible that Judas did not take enough time to consider the risk involved in this business transaction and may have changed the course of history by necking himself. Had he taken time out to consider the risk of his gamble, he probably would have figured that a slave did not necessarily have to be someone whole fetched and washed and fed and cleaned and peeled grapes. His slave could have been a harlot who sucked and fucked and peeled his own grape.
In fact Judas was already in on the scam. In the famed fresco of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci there are twelve people joining him in the meal. Judas has just spilt the salt and the dude to his right has reached behind him to make a pass at the only woman at the table. He's just about to poke his hand down her upper corsalage and feel the heaving breasts of the hooker hired for the occassion.
Unfortunately the following scene has been lost in the mists of antiquity - but I'll bet 30 pieces of silver that it involved table dancing and a very risque pole manouvere that is most certainly not listed in any of the books of the bible.
But whilst considering the fact that the pyramids were most certainly built by a team of twelve and a forklift on their roster day off at triple pay in only 40 days and nights, I have no doubt that Judas was onto something.
Let's face it, he had an alibi - another Judas and....all the other partners.
The Gospel of Mark says that Jesus sent out these twelve apostles in pairs - so, if he was so enamoured with partnerships; why didn't he invite all the partners to join him in this last dinner as well ? I suspect that maybe he was a little pissed off with their choice of partners. He would be one cool dude if he were to throw one last supper/party to let his mates partake of some supreme pussy.
And....what better opportunity would he have to invite his most generously circumcised brethen to his supreme pussy fest. Have a close look at that picture again, and picture the 'facebook' tag of the millenium.
"Hi dudes. Welcome to the el-supremo pig out death feast of the year.On my left, and, on my right, we have my closest bunch of arseholes I know that suck up to me as followers. They are nameless - until someone writes the fucking bible - but they are cool. Fellow fishermen, I welcome you to the my feast. This will be my last. And because I love you all, we are all going out with a bang. There is this hot bitch to my right who I just know will open every orifice she has to you to desposit your years of stored up sperm in the hope that just one of you will betray me."
These are indeed prophetic words for a man who will soon be wrapped in a nappy and pinned to a crucifix.
Let this be a warning to you sinners.
"You may be short in stature or fat in nature.
You may be generous in life but suscpicious in death.
You may be circumcised at birth or be the whole dog.
You may lap at the spring of hope or suck on the piss of regret.
You may, if you are lucky, taste the nectar of life.
But the chances are, that you will die".
Judas had this figured. Damn right. Money for nothing and a slave in the hold.
( There is a song - "Please Don't Judas Me" on Nazareth's album "Hair of The Dog" - last track, side 2 )
Listen to that and then try and convince me that your facebook friends really care about you.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Eleven Rules of a Level Playground.
1 : I am the Master of my Web-blogs.
2 : I have not authorised you to own my input.
3. And...even if I did, I can prove that I own my input. There is a timeline and I don't see you authoring anything of mine.
4. You are infringing Copyright laws.
5. You are claiming false ownership.
6. Therefore, I accuse you of theft and infringement of copyright.
7. If you want to take from me what is mine - please quote the precedent giving you the right.
8. As a faceless individual - you have no rights.
9.I hereby challenge you to a duel.
10. You won't turn up to defend yourself because you are anonymous - you have no honour.
11. Fuck up or Shut up.
2 : I have not authorised you to own my input.
3. And...even if I did, I can prove that I own my input. There is a timeline and I don't see you authoring anything of mine.
4. You are infringing Copyright laws.
5. You are claiming false ownership.
6. Therefore, I accuse you of theft and infringement of copyright.
7. If you want to take from me what is mine - please quote the precedent giving you the right.
8. As a faceless individual - you have no rights.
9.I hereby challenge you to a duel.
10. You won't turn up to defend yourself because you are anonymous - you have no honour.
11. Fuck up or Shut up.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
We bide our time alone, with angels by our side
But we don't hear, because we can't see.
We live a meagre reality, because it's all we can feel.
One daily time alone, it's all we can be
Too afraid to compensate, too tired to be free.
Working hard to see what is real.
We shed our skins, trying to rejuvenate
Whatever it is that to keep us grounded,
Anything we have to feel well rounded.
And we fight the demons that cursed us since Adam
Found his Eve
Can we have permission to take our leave.
This mortal coil, anchors us to the earth
A serpentile foil, twisted in agony
Fighting our destiny that must be.
Cast me off to drift alone
Let me be - alone, to fight my fate
Solitary, guarded, holding my fort as a last resort.
But we don't hear, because we can't see.
We live a meagre reality, because it's all we can feel.
One daily time alone, it's all we can be
Too afraid to compensate, too tired to be free.
Working hard to see what is real.
We shed our skins, trying to rejuvenate
Whatever it is that to keep us grounded,
Anything we have to feel well rounded.
And we fight the demons that cursed us since Adam
Found his Eve
Can we have permission to take our leave.
This mortal coil, anchors us to the earth
A serpentile foil, twisted in agony
Fighting our destiny that must be.
Cast me off to drift alone
Let me be - alone, to fight my fate
Solitary, guarded, holding my fort as a last resort.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Schettino Shits Himself
This is my response to the tragedy involving the Cruise Ship - Costa Concordia, over 4000 lives at the risk, and the Captain, Francesco Schettino.
The article is at :
" Leeme' see here: The Captain, Francesco Schettino was originally an Officer in charge of security in 2002. In 2006 he became a Captain after undergoing "....a continuous programme of training.....". (he passed all the required checks), and this was the first night of the cruise. Now, from my understanding - these ships are guided by computer along a pre-designated course, the waters have already been accurately charted and the ship must remain within its designated cruise path - that has already been deemed safe by surveys, satellite and previous cruises. For him to say - "the rocks should not have been there"- is freakin' ridiculous. (Do rocks move ?). This tragedy could have been avoided, had he been a REAL Captain and undergone years of meticulous training and practice. NO. This is the result of "Training and Assessment" - because he met the required 'competencies' in his class attendance for "Cruise Ship Captain 101". ! He is trying to cover his own arse, when in fact he should be consulting his lawyer and SUING his employer for incompetency in allowing an 'incompetent' person to have the responsibility for over 4000 lives. Your local Busdriver would do better than this incompetent prick. He should be tied to a chair on a long rope and repeatedly dunked in the ocean until he drowns.............and the shareholders of this business should sell immediately and force the company into bankruptcy. But -I gotta' laugh because Schettino at this moment is really Schetting Himself."
The article is at :
" Leeme' see here: The Captain, Francesco Schettino was originally an Officer in charge of security in 2002. In 2006 he became a Captain after undergoing "....a continuous programme of training.....". (he passed all the required checks), and this was the first night of the cruise. Now, from my understanding - these ships are guided by computer along a pre-designated course, the waters have already been accurately charted and the ship must remain within its designated cruise path - that has already been deemed safe by surveys, satellite and previous cruises. For him to say - "the rocks should not have been there"- is freakin' ridiculous. (Do rocks move ?). This tragedy could have been avoided, had he been a REAL Captain and undergone years of meticulous training and practice. NO. This is the result of "Training and Assessment" - because he met the required 'competencies' in his class attendance for "Cruise Ship Captain 101". ! He is trying to cover his own arse, when in fact he should be consulting his lawyer and SUING his employer for incompetency in allowing an 'incompetent' person to have the responsibility for over 4000 lives. Your local Busdriver would do better than this incompetent prick. He should be tied to a chair on a long rope and repeatedly dunked in the ocean until he drowns.............and the shareholders of this business should sell immediately and force the company into bankruptcy. But -I gotta' laugh because Schettino at this moment is really Schetting Himself."
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Marilyn Monroe
I posted this comment in relation to an article titled : "Unsexing Marilyn" at this address
"It's nonsense that MM is always portrayed as "she couldn't act".
Motion Pictures are for actors. MM was too natural to be ordered to
act. So many takes were required because the director always required
her to 'act'. She lived with the constant frustration of not being
portrayed as a 'serious' actress. She was very well read and trained,
but she was so genuinely 'sexy' that the camera had difficulty catching
the true moments of her act. I agree that in "Some Like it Hot" and "The
Seven Year Itch" she simply oozed sex and that was part of the problem ,
her co-stars could not match/compete with the aura she projected. "The
Misfits" was truly her greatest moment in cinema. Her portrayal is so
feminine and alluring that her famous co-stars become insignificant to
the story. She takes over the complete film, she oozes womanhood and
emotion, making everyone else in the film (except the horses) seem so
wooden and devoid of feeling. A great persona, just too great to be
captured by the humble camera."
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